It's Coming Together!


It's Coming Together!

It has been quite awhile since I have updated you all as I have been "head down" as they say working tirelessly (ok....perhaps a little tired!) to put the finishing touches on my leadership program for emerging leaders: "Learning To Lead, The Fundamentals of Leadership" which is an online 12 module self-paced course, as well as a 2 day retreat option here at our facility. I am really excited about this program for a few reasons. First, the online learning option allows anyone anywhere in the world to learn what I feel are key foundational skills that can be tailored to any leadership situation you find yourself in. Second, the in-person attendees have the option to experience the transformational power of participating in an activity in an environment that far exceeds the stuffy conference room table, and the somatic experience of immediate feedback that occurs when we work in partnership with horses.

When we think of leadership, horses aren't necessarily the first thing that comes to mind, unless you were a horse crazy kid like me, and then horses come to mind for just about everything! To be honest, I credit my years of working with horses to my leadership skills. Horses are herd animals, just like humans, and we share the need for leadership in our human "herd" just like horses seek leadership in their herds. In the absence of a leader, someone will inevitably step up in a group to fill the void as a lack of direction is uncomfortable and unnatural for us. For horses, a lack of leadership can be deadly, and therefore, the horse is always searching for leadership. If you choose to stand up and be the leader they are searching for, they will ask you to "prove your worth", much in the same way humans will observe and scrutinize any new leader who dares to step into the role of "Manager" or "Supervisor". Trust and respect are not given without some evidence provided of your ability to lead. This is true for horses as well as humans.

When I first started out developing this program, I was focused on a more academic approach. Information that could easily be learned from any introductory level leadership course in a college or university. It didn't feel right, and although I spent many years in school myself, it didn't feel like "me". I had to step back, reflect, and think about what it was that I would have liked to know when I first started out that I hadn't learned in a "leadership 101" class. I reflected on what I felt were the key skills I have developed over the years of leadership which have served me most often in the greatest number of situations. What was it that made me successful as a leader, and what did I wish I had known in those moments I felt I hadn't done my best?

I went back to the horses, and reflected on my many years growing up with them, and what it took to earn the respect and trust of a 1200 lb flight animal with zero reason to allow me to place them in a rolling tin can, throw a chunk of wood and leather on their back, and sit up there, surrounded by other horses dressed up in the same fashion, only to be asked to work hard...and then repeat it all again later. (doesn't that sound like fun!?) Don't get me wrong, I am in no way putting down the art and sport of equine riding activities, however, for a horse to be willing to participate in these activities with us takes a LARGE dose of trust, respect, and partnership (and training...let's be honest!). At any time, these creatures could send us sky high and head for the hills never to return. Yet, here they are, ever patient, ever ready to remain curious, open, trusting, and willing to show up and give us everything they've got. So I wondered...how do we get to a place with our teams whereby they trust you whole heartedly to lead them, no matter the challenges that lie ahead, into a successful future? What qualities does a leader need to earn the respect and trust of their team?

When started over and I began to develop my program again, I approached it from the perspective of ...me. What was my key to success? How could I share that with others?

I'll give you the secret to the entire program: It's all about you. Wait...what?! Isn't leadership about sacrifice, setting ourselves and our egos aside...and now you're telling me it's all about me?!?!

Yep, you heard me right. However, what I mean by that statement is this: to be a successful leader (coach, parent, teacher, friend, etc.) starts with doing the work of figuring out who WE are, how WE move through the world and how that impacts others. We also have to learn how to be dynamic and adaptive in our approach. Just like teaching a horse how to navigate a complicated maneuver, it takes patience, time, consistency, and a shift in approach at any given moment that is so smooth, even you won't know you're doing it. Sometimes you need to encourage, sometimes you need to support, sometimes you need to hold the line....and sometimes you need them all.

With my new approach well in hand, I set about developing an online version of my course as well as the 2 day retreat at our Spirit2Spirit facility. I'm happy to report that the 2 day retreat is a success! Just last weekend I ran my first ever leadership retreat at our facility with the horses, and the online course is just about finished - editing videos is never a favorite of mine, I much prefer being outside! However, it will be available very soon, and I look forward to feedback from those who take it for a "ride" ;) (see what I did there?!).

At the end of the day, my hope and wish is that everyone is able to achieve the same or better success with developing, leading, encouraging, and supporting teams as I have in my career. Leadership has its ups and downs, but I hope I am able to offer guidance to those seeking a fresh perspective and approach to developing relationships with your team, family, friends, and yourself.

I wish you all the best, and I'll be sure to let you know when the online program is up and running! Until then, please stay in touch.


In good health, 

For information about our programs, where you can sign up for the 2 Day Leadership Retreat at Spirit2Spirit and more, please visit: www.Spirit2Spirit.org


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